Call Us (111) 234 - 5678

21/B, London Campus, British Road, Birmingham, UK


Welcome !!!

My laboratory research is focused on understanding mechanisms by which HIV subverts host pathways and molecules during its replication cycle. We are particularly interested in the role of cholesterol and cholesterol homeostatic pathways in virus entry, virus release and viral gene transcription. The involvement of cholesterol-rich lipid rafts, late endosomes and exosomes is also the subject of investigations in our laboratory. Another major area of interest is the impact of viral co-infections on HIV’s tropism and replication. Many viruses are known to modulate cholesterol regulatory pathways and cellular cholesterol content and thereby can profoundly affect HIV replication. We are interested in this and other mechanisms of enhancement or suppression of HIV transmission and replication by co-infecting viruses.
Our lab have 4 research teams.


HIV pseudotype

HIV/HCV Co-infection

Antiviral activity of b-CycloDextran

HLA-E receptor